you may have seen my original announcement, but just in case your missed it, this winter we’ll go from a family of three, to a family of four! i’m pretty sure i might still be in denial about it all... so much to do, so little time! also, this pregnancy has been very different since the focus of our lives is on ada, and not so much on my growing belly, but it’s starting to get in the way these days and i’ve still got a couple of months to go... deep breath/ugh. being pregnant is not my favorite thing, but the sweet thing about it is that ada is SO excited. every morning she scrambles into bed with me to “snuggle” with her sister. her version of “snuggling” involves blowing into my notsomuchthereanymore bellybutton to wake up the baby and then she begins yelling/singing at her to get her to move around a bit. (better get used to this stuff, baby) then there’s usually a few rounds of a soft lullaby or two and some sloppy kisses, so the whole scene is pretty adorable/somewhat irritating especially since the sun has yet to come out when all of this takes place. all that “snuggling” aside, i do LOVE that she is so excited to be a big sister. it’s making everything this time around pretty special.
my favorite moment of it all happened a few weeks ago, when, as we were driving to our third (yet not final) destination on Christmas day, out of the blue a little voice came from the backseat which said: “mama, thank you so much for growing me a sister”... pretty much the best present ever.

ada’s family portraits
i have a friend who likes to refer to me as a detective, because, as she puts it, i can always “sniff stuff out”... i wonder if you have that detective side to you too? my favorite show when i was younger was Magnum PI. no kidding. i LOVED it. but now i’m into a much more “grown-up” detective show - the new Sherlock Homes on PBS... whoa... we recently discovered it and it’s SO good and detective-y! the only problem is that there are many a scene when i have to bury my head in a pillow and hum to myself until my husband tells me that it’s safe to watch again... it’s true, i’m a sensitive soul... anyway, i digress...
but i wondered if any of you “detectives" out there had noticed ada’s drawings that i posted before i announced we are expecting? this fall, just about the time we told her she was going to be a big sister, she began drawing oodles of “pictures of my family”which we just LOVE! but, you may have noticed that there’s a mama, a dada, an ada, a “chooch” - our pooch, and an itty bitty little “L” figure.... the “L” stands for Lucy. It’s not quite time yet, but she certainly is feeling like she’s part of our silly little family already.
Congrats! When are you due? I think I was pregnant with my first at the sametime you were with Ada and now I'm pregnant again too. I'm due April 26.
ReplyDeletehi marcia :)
Deletethat’s great! congrats to you too! i’m due early march :)
i hope yours is excited to be a big sibling too! xo *s
Second pregnancy is so different from the first...yet each one is special in its own way. The excitement of the first child at being a "big" sister or brother and then the "person" arrives and it brings new challenges and experiences for parents and older sibling. And yet it's all good. There is joy in a growing family....wishing you a healthy end of term and a joyful delivery!
ReplyDeleteLove your "growing" photo Sarah - Hope you are feeling well and that we can squeeze in another lunch date before baby makes four. XO
ReplyDeleteSarah, my husband and I love that show Elementary too!!!! I am very much the detective sort. Having raised 4 sons who are now 16, 19, 20 and 22, I found it mandatory!!!! I think all moms have that crazy bloodhound ability to snoop things out. Your growing belly is so cute and I love how you let it slip into your photos :) So on another note, today makes it just 8 more days until our class starts!!!!! EEEEEKKKKKK, I cannot wait and get more excited each and everyday if you couldn't tell.
Congratulations Sarah! I missed your first announcement and little Ada drawings to give the game away! I can say that it really is magical when you see the interaction between your two little ones: the playing together in their own world they've created, little conversations they have, cuddles they give each other, aswell as the rough stuff (quite often with two boys!!). Hope all goes well in your last trimester, I'm sure you are blooming!
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Sarah! SO very happy for you!