workshop FAQ

Friday, November 21, 2008

follow the line....

even in november

the little blocks of color

order #

in the works

found. for free.

last bits

* * *

just sharing bits of my quiet yet productive day. collecting inspiration.
lots to get ready for, but remembering to take time to take it all in.
more soon, *s
ps:  see the whole day of collecting here.  & click on photos to see bigger. 


  1. Oh my- In the works............

    Do I see a sneak peak of yet another beautiful bird painting? It's that awesome blue color, again.

    Looks just lovely, Sarah

    xoxo Liz

  2. sarah i just have one question:
    where have you been all my life?
    your art and blog are brand new to me and i so DIG fresh lovely finds.

  3. Hello Sarah
    Your blog is an absolute delight, i love your photos very much, they really compliment your artwork.
    I wanted to let you know that over at Attic24 you have been
    B L O G G E D !
    have fun reading!



thanks so much for saying hello! i do my best to reply to comments, please know i read and appreciate each and every one! xo *s